Warehouse in the centre of Central Europe

Continental Tobacco Ltd as a Serbian subsidiary company of the Hungarian Tradis Kft, aims to create, rent and manage the logistics and industrial buildings in Central and Eastern Europe that fully meet the needs of tenants. Continental Tobacco Ltd plans to start in April 2023, in addition to its own production and storage, with the rental and maintenance of a storage building in Šimanovci. With a warehouse space of 11,500 square meters and business space of 1,600 square meters, it offers modern, energy efficient and attractive opportunities for tenants in Šimanovci, one of the fastest growing industrial and logistics zones in Serbia and this part of Europe

Tradis Zrt, A Hungarian-owned company based in Hódmezővásárhely, is primarily interested in tobacco logistics, but is also active in the field of renting storage buildings via its subsidiary Tradis Immo Kft. In addition, as a co-owner of Solarbelt Ltd, renewable energy is also significantly present in its investment portfolio. With the establishment of TRADIS DOO SUBOTICA - as a Serbian subsidiary company of Tradis Zrt. in 2021, this company began its international expansion.

The location is in the industrial zone of Šimanovac, which includes industrial complexes, as well as machine, food, chemical, logistics and distribution centers.


With its favorable geographical position and well-developed traffic structure, Šimanovci is located on one of the junctions of pan-European traffic corridor no. 10 in terms of attracting foreign direct investment to Serbia.

With its favorable geographical position and well-developed traffic structure, Šimanovci is located on one of the junctions of pan-European traffic corridor no. 10 in terms of attracting foreign direct investment to Serbia.

Distance of nearby cities: Nearby ports:
Belgrade - Bratislava 567 km Belgrade - Koper (SLO) 606 km
Belgrade - Bucharest 621 km Belgrade - Bar (MNE) 514 km
Belgrade - Arad 246 km Belgrade - Thessaloniki (GRE) 663 km
Belgrade - Timisoara 183 km
Belgrade - Budapest 421 km
Belgrade - Ljubljana 504 km
Belgrade - Prague 891 km
Belgrade - Sofia 420 km
Belgrade - Vienna 609 km
Belgrade - Zagreb 366 km
Belgrade - Istanbul 977 km

There are many domestic and international companies in the vicinity of Šimanovac. Among them:
Mercedes, Milšped, Man, Pink Film International, Doncafe, Grand Kafa, Bosch, Atlantic Csoport, DHL, Dr Oetker, stb.

With around 7 million inhabitants and an ambition to join the European Union, Serbia is one of the most exciting investment destinations in Europe. According to the Financial Times, this country is the first on the continent in terms of the number of Greenfield investments in relation to the size of the economy and the world leader in terms of the ratio of population size and number of jobs, according to IBM Global Location Trends 2019.

Serbia’s efforts in the field of direct capital investments were also recognized by EY-Serbia, one of the 15 most attractive countries in Europe in terms of direct capital investments, according to the report of the global consultant European Attractiveness Survey for 2019. The capital, Belgrade, ranks first in the Business-Friendly Cities Perception Index (run by Emerging Europe), which ranks Europe’s developing cities with the greatest economic potential.

The investment environment in the country is characterized by factors such as a high-quality local workforce, political and economic stability, competitive operating costs, a favorable system of financial incentives and an ideal geographical location.

Continental Tobacco Ltd as a Serbian subsidiary company of the Hungarian Tradis Kft, aims to create, rent and manage the logistics and industrial buildings in Central and Eastern Europe that fully meet the needs of tenants. Continental Tobacco Ltd plans to start in April 2023, in addition to its own production and storage, with the rental and maintenance of a storage building in Šimanovci. With a warehouse space of 11,500 square meters and business space of 1,600 square meters, it offers modern, energy efficient and attractive opportunities for tenants in Šimanovci, one of the fastest growing industrial and logistics zones in Serbia and this part of Europe

Parameters achieved

Plot area 27.092,04 m²
Object 1 gross area 13.486,53 m²
Object 2 gross area 31,38 m²
Total gross area 13.517,91 m²
Object 1 Occupancy index 12.001,68 m2 (44,30%)
Object 2 Occupancy index 34,47 m2 (0,13%)
Total occupancy index 12.036,15 m2 (44,43%)
Object 1 Net area 12.997,52 m²
Object 2 Net area 21,32 m²
Total Net area 13.018,84 m²
Greenery in direct contact with ground 6.359,12 m² (23,47%)
Greenery - raster parking 1.693,59 m² (6,25%)
Greenery total 8.052,71 m2 (29,72%)
Parking spaces 78


Gross area of Building 1 - Storage halls

Level Floor area
Ground floor 11.988,69 m2
First floor 1.497,84 m2
Total gross area of the storage hall 13.486,53 m2


Gross area of building 2 - Offices

Level Floor area
Ground floor 31,38 m2
Total gross area of offices 31,38 m2

Total gross area 13.517,91 m2

– Planned handover of investment: April 2023.

Physical access to the warehouse is from the exit before paying the toll in Šimanovci, in the direction of the Dr. Oetker and Straus Coffee factories. The head office of TRADIS DOO SUBOTICA is located in Svetogorska Street.

– We will design the real estate that will be built as part of the investment according to the needs of our future tenants.

– We plan with low operating costs: the supply of the storage building with electricity is provided by the installation of solar panels, so there is no or a very low monthly fee on behalf of the consumed electricity.

– If necessary, we will provide a system of high logistics shelves and forklifts for our future tenants.


Igor Stoparić

Ügyvezető igazgató - TRADIS DOO SUBOTICA Serbia

Office Post: Knez Mihajlova 33/II, 11000 Belgrade

Tel: +381 64 844 1844

E-mail: igor.stoparic@ continentaltobacco.com

web: www.tradis.rs